Personaltrainer, Kurstrainer, Fitnesstrainer, Ernährungscoach 10247 Berlin
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Alter: Eingeloggt sichtbar Nationalität: Eingeloggt sichtbar Sprachen: Eingeloggt sichtbar Meine Sportarten: Eingeloggt sichtbar Dinge, die ich liebe: Eingeloggt sichtbar Coach seit: Eingeloggt sichtbar INTERVIEW MIT MIR
Was bedeutet Dir der Sport, was begeistert Dich daran am meisten und welchen Einfluss hat er auf Dein Leben? Sports is the the source that nourishes and inspires me. It makes you feel good and works not only physically, even further is healing and releasing mentally. If you find joy in movement you discover a big treasure:
You find a home within you :)
Welche Sportarten liebst Du? My passion is dance. All kind of dance. Just turn on the music and lets go. Movements are like words that we are using. To extend my range of movements I started to do all kind of sports and transformed the movements into dance.
Kung Fu, Krav Maga, Surf, Pilates, Yoga, Fitness, Shibari
Weshalb bist Du Personal Trainer geworden? I love to share my knowledge and push others to find their own individual way. I am not using a generalized system, I am working individually which makes me also learn endlessly, because every body works different. My strenght is to observe, analyze and based on that optimize.
Wie motiviert sich ein Personal Trainer selbst? I never stop learning. I love to take workshops and group sessions to also get pushed and keep on extending my range of movements. Sometimes I also just rationalize it to be more effective and focused in my training. Sometimes I just let it go and check what I need in the moment.
I learned to not be too hard to myself and trust my body, I learn from every movement I do and from every rest I take. Tho I love to push over the limit because it shows you that nothing is impossible.
Was hast du für Träume? Was möchtest du noch erreichen? I want to reach out more to teach the bridge in between sports, art, nutrition and healthcare. Still everything is seen so separate from each other.
Welche Dinge neben dem Sport bestimmen Dein Leben A deep interest of mine is psychology, psychotherapy and neuroscience.
My other passion is art in general. I love to create with the constant relation to the body and the mind.
Was macht für Dich ein gutes Personal Training aus? A good Personal Training firstly focus on the aim of the client. Based on that it is a process to figure out how to reach it in a the most playful and motivating way. My aim is to teach and train in a way to give you the ability to also train by yourself. The personal training should be a session that gives you an extra push and supports your improvement in detail, such as alignment, stamina etc.
Was kann mit einem guten Personal Trainer leichter erreicht werden als allein im Gym oder in einer Gruppe? Very often we do mistakes while we are going through our exercises. Personal Training gives you the possibility to work on details, but also pushes you and helps to reach individual goals.
Was unterscheidet Dich von anderen Personal Trainern? I am working very individual and divers. I like to take the moment and react to it, since sometimes we try to force the body to something that is just not possible in the moment, just because it is on our schedule.
Learn how to communicate with the body!
Beschreibe das Spektrum Deiner Trainingsformen und -Methoden. I work a lot with exercises from dance and improvisation. through that the body gets trained very holistic and naturally. Furthermore it trains coordination. Besides that I am using general fitness exercises or shapes from martial arts and repeat them over and over again. This trains as well the mental strength.
Movement in general is a lot about the mind-set, this is why I also don't separate therapeutic techniques from movement training. I am convinced about the embodiment theory.
Welche mentalen Techniken setzt Du ein? Coming from a therapeutic background I am using a lot of techniques from neuroscience. Seeing our body as a computer we can learn and unlearn a lot. I am influenced by different meditation methods as well as from cognitive behavior therapy.
Was für Ziele haben Deine Kunden typischerweise? Usually people that come to me wanna be accompanied by finding a very individual holistic awareness of themselves. Which is a mix of physical fitness, relaxation treatments, meditation, nutrition and psychotherapy.
Eingeloggt sichtbar
Mobility Training
Complete Body Workout
Core Training
Dancetherapy, Contemporary Dance and Improvisation, Playful Movement Workout, Blindfolded Movement Meditation
Für Vertretungen verfügbar.
I am working as a trainer, coach and therapist since 2015.
I gave all kind of training. Personal Training, Groupsessions.
I am especially focused on Dance and Improvisation and Movement Research courses. Furthermore I worked as a trainer of HIIT, Pilates and Deep Stretching.
I organized my own Workshop of Blindfolded Movement Research and Blindfolded Movement Meditation.